Here's what I did tonight:
Pierre, the French Circus Bear

And a fluffy, grey bunneh (why am I typing "bunneh" instead of simply "bunny?" Weird).
They are needle felted, but they currently lack eyes.... And the bunneh lacks a hat (a sore misfortune, indeed). Bunneh will probably end up in my Etsy
shop tomorrow, or whenever he shapes up and gets himself some eyeballs and a hat (or other such accoutrement).
What do you think?
Tomorrow is a day off from the GAP (finally), and the boyfriend is off galavanting around Virginia, so I plan on getting some serious shop-related tasks done, including listing some new items. Oh, and watching the amazing Jennifer Murphy on Martha (yes, I do hate Martha Stewart more than almost any living person, but I love watching people make and cook - it's quite the conundrum. Plus, how could I not watch my favorite toymaking mama work her magic on television [again]?).
Well, I need to get some hot chili in me on this chilly night (ha!), and then I'm off to bed to catch up with my two favorite English magicians - have I mentioned how much I love this "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell" business? Yes? Well, you'll probably be hearing a lot more about it, because it is AMAZING. Right up my fairy-tale-esque, whimsical, dark, eccentric alley. LOVE.
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