Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What a day for a daydream...

It's been really nice outside, so I've been having lots of sylvan kinds of daydreams (along with a disturbing amount of housewifey daydreams, accompanied by copious amounts of "fancy" cooking). But here's where I've been spending a lot of time lately:

Lovely, no? Here's what I've been doing indoors:

More Storybook goodness. I can't wait utnil my online shop is up, I want to show off my pretties. I'm supposed to do a festival coming up next month, but I just found out last week that I need to have all my tax stuff straight in order to do it, and I'm not sure if I can get it together in time. It's really a shame, because I would quite like to do it, I think.

Ah, well, such is life. I'll still apply to be a vendor, and we'll see what happens.

Now back to another fabulous episode of MST3K (oh, how I adore Tom Servo!)


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Look at what I made!

How exciting is this?
I made these pastries just now, and they are so pretty that I had to post them. (Duane, are you seeing this? I made these!)

And here's what I had for dinner just now (like anyone cares). Delicious.

Now back to the sweat shop.


Monday, July 16, 2007


I seem to love adding ellipses to my post titles...and basic sentences...and, well, it gets kind of intense.

But, in other news, I met an amazing lady the other day who owns a shop here in Howell, MI called "Eclectic Twyst," and she wants to purchase some of my jewelry for her shop. Awesome, right? I left my card for her in her shop today, so hopefully she'll call me back.

Here's what I've been doing today:

And now, I'm going to do some more.


Sunday, July 15, 2007

A few of my favorites...

These are some of my current favorites.


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Okay, now that that's out of the way...

I can make a real introductory post.

Welcome to the online blogdom of Strange Bird! I am a one-girl show located in Michigan, and I make jewelry and other sundry nonsense. Right now, there is really nothing to say, nothing to show, nothing of note, but someday...ah, someday, there...will be?

My website is in the works right now, thanks to my lovely IT-guy boyfriend and my equally lovely father, so keep your eyes peeled for new wonderfulness there.

In the meantime, I'm going to post just one measly image, to make sure I've got the hang of the "posting images" thing, and to show off the amazing macro- on my camera:

Okay, good - that worked!

Cheers for now,

Inaugural Post of a long-time Anti-Blogger

Well, I've done it.

I've broken down.

I've created a blog.

So there.